Packing my bags

I had no intention, when I first envisioned this web site, of including anything solely for the sake of being cute.  After all, if you're on the internet and you want to look at cute things you can easily find a page full of dancing hamsters or the like.  But as I was packing my bags to leave for Europe, the two cats who live at my mother's house managed to be so ridiculously cute that I needed to grab my camera and take couple shots. Their cuteness came at a price, of course--
since they continually placed themselves in just about every place I needed them not to be, my packing took about twice as long as it should have and half of my clothing is now covered in cat fur.

Anyway, in the spirit of gratuitous cuteness, I am including a few pictures of my adorable felines doing what they do best. 

Sebastian relaxing in my empty suitcase.

Griz sleeping on clean clothing on top of the drier.

Griz, sleeping again, this time on top of a rather cluttered kitchen table.

The final result:  two very heavy bags and two slightly less heavy cats trying to sleep in them.

I'm afraid that's all the cuteness I can take for now.

16 September, 2003